3 Mar '13

Weekend Preview

This weekend will see one of the top three loose their unbeaten tag with The Chiefs against Exeter Saracens.

Sarries have had an excellent start to the season and come off the back of an away win at Truro which will make a lot of the teams in this league stand up and notice them. With big powerful backs and a good tight eight they will be very tough to beat on their home ground.

The chiefs have pulled out their own big wins and this is another away journey that they need to perform well on. Pauly Thomas and James Buckland are the only players forced to sit out the game with injuries. Slee and Williams are away with other commitments.

The lads had an excellent run through on Thursday night and they looked really sharp. They are defiantly keen to get on the pitch again.

The Quins had Teignmouth cry off again and have worked hard to get a replacement fixture and they will be playing against South Molton first team. The match will be played at South Molton.

The Nomads are heading down to Exeter with the chiefs and look to continue their good form.

Good luck to all the team this weekend In the great words of Driffy Westward Ho!

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