10 Oct '18

Under 11s Match Report 7th October 2018

The U11s played a hard fought match against Okehampton with little to split the teams come the final whistle on Sunday. For a first official match, it was a fantastic high energy performance from all the boys and girls involved. The ball was moved superbly well at times to create the space for a number of tries; Danny Hancock touching down 3 times as the grateful recipient of the teams hard work. Still work to do protecting our own ball at the breakdown but the understanding in this department has improved no end with 2 sessions per week since early September.

Special mention of Jack Winter, Jamie Blackwood and Fin Cloak who ran superbly all game and Jack Saltmarsh and Harri Rhodes who tackled relentlessly and distributed well throughout too.

Well done to Harriet Raymont in her first game back this season and Lilly Richter on debut, after joining us in September.

In a separate away fixture, the previous week, the boys turned out in a combined Bideford/Kingsley School fixture against Swanbourne school. Another solid performance to blow away the summer cobwebs. Sam Arkless and Flynn Dyer jackled well with some good counter rucking from Morgan Dyer. The stand out moment, a full length of the pitch darting run from James Piper to score in the corner.

Well done to all involved.

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