28 Jan '19

Last Gasp Paignton get the win.

Bideford went into Saturday off the back of a win away at kingsbridge and were keen to keep the run going with a home win over Paignton but it wasn’t to be with paignton scoring in the last play of the match to win 5-0 on a drab day.


With the rain pouring before the game you could sense it was going to be a tough afternoon.  It was a very middle of the pitch affair both packs competing each others tactics. Bideford had a massive advantage in the scrum and Paignton utalised their maul well. Neither side really capatilised on their strength to gain advantage.


Paignton should have been able to get a couple of scores on the board with their maul, Bideford did a tremendous job in defence to stop them going over the line.


Bideford despite winning their own scrum could have squeezed Paignton in the scrum to gain more penalties but it was played out early and credit to Paignton they defended very well .


The wind was a huge contributor but both teams didn’t manage to use it to their advantage. It proved problematic for line outs which was relatively costly to Bideford throwing to the back of the line out when in the oppositions 22 which was overthrown.


There were some good performances and it was good to see Chris Snell back in the game his experience will pay dividends in the back three especially when we need to get valuable points in the league.  Back row trio Priest, Copp and Griffin all punched over the game line. Josh king also added some fire out wide. The back line was full of runners but there was very little space to work with due to the Paignton back line being well drilled defensively.


Long day at the office for the team but some positives they can definitely take into next week’s game.  The players were obviously somber about the day but they have to remember the club and supporters are behind them all the way.

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