Dear Parent/ Carer/ Player,
I hope this letter finds you all well during these very unusual and challenging times.
I am delighted to say I am the new Chairperson for the Junior Section. I have been a player for the senior section for many years and involved in Junior coaching since 2011. I am a coach with the current Under 12s and very excited to be part of a dynamic and forward-thinking Junior Committee.
Firstly, I would like to share our gratitude for Nic Clements, the former chairperson and the hours of work she had dedicated to our club. I know that she will continue to be a strong supporter of our budding young players. Thank-you Nic.
Covid-19 is having a devastating impact to everyone and life is disrupted beyond what we could have imagined. Rugby has been understandably affected and I as many have felt the frustration of not fully being able to participate as we would like. I am pleased to say that we, as a club, are very fortunate in being able to get training underway, so quickly. The safety of our players, parents, carers, coaches, and supporters is paramount and through our fantastic Covid 19 working group, measures have been put in place to ensure we train and spectate as safely as possible. We follow the England RFU roadmap closely and will of course up-date you as and when things change. It is unlikely we may see any competitive matches before the end of the year but through our dedicated coaches and helpers we will be ready when competitive weekends return!
Your lead coaches should have been in contact with you to ensure your player is fully registered with RFU. This is via the Game Management System (GMS) with the England RFU. Please speak with your coach if you have difficulty in registering a new player or updating an existing one! All player annual subs must be paid before the end of October please. The Committee agreed that given the current situation this would be reduced to just £10.
Any significant updates from the Committee will be passed to you via your coaches or the Bideford Junior Rugby Facebook page. We are hoping to make improvements to our website, which I hope, will improve our communication network further.
Thank-you for you continued support and hoping that through rugby we can at least provide a safe and fun environment for all.
Current Committee Composition
Rob Parish – Chair.
Sarah-Jane Palmer – Vice Chair.
Hannah Garnett – Secretary.
Phil Sweetland – Treasurer.
Robin Potter- Fixtures Secretary.
Kevin Booth – Leading Coach.
Adrian Scarrett – Safeguarding Officer.
In addition to these roles there are of course several volunteers working to ensure our club functions for the benefit of all. If you are interested in becoming involved, please email me;
Kind Regards,